Atas permintaan cik ninja pakai tudung ni, saya dengan rasminya mengumumkan kewujudan Shoutbox di blog saya bertempatkan disebelah kanan ini. (sila tepuk) sila pusingkan kepala anda 45 darjah kearah kanan sedikit, sila hati-hati ya, jangan terpusing 180 pula.
Jadi sesiapa yang ingin menyatakan sesuatu atau ingin berbual mesra dengan saya, sila tinggalkan jejakmu di seksyen ini. Jikalau anda rasa bosan,Sila menjerit sambil menaip komen anda di shoutbox, sebab melakukan perbuatan tersebut menarik perhatian orang ramai,terutama bila anda di CC. Mungkin anda akan rasa seronok diperhatikan oleh orang ramai.
PS: Kenapa dinamakan Shoutbox dan bukannya Typebox ya?
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
We Need Your Support
Do you guys still remember my previous post about My Big And Mega Project With My Friends that kept my blog with no new post for a month? I have said that I will reveal to you guys when we are ready and Poof here we are ready to unveil our work that consume our energy and devour our beloved sleeping time.
Long story short, please watch this video first.
Thrilled? yes you need to.This is the ultimate revolutionary animation known as Rebirth Project that will change the perspective on how we view animation in Malaysia. Done by 5 young designers who known as Megamind ( I'm part of the team), our first release is Rebirth: New World Order which is the first franchise that blows your mind away.
I would like to invite everyone to like this facebook fan page to stay updated in Rebirth Project progress and do not forget to acknowledge your friends. We also have our website for the complete profile of the project.
Long story short, please watch this video first.
Thrilled? yes you need to.This is the ultimate revolutionary animation known as Rebirth Project that will change the perspective on how we view animation in Malaysia. Done by 5 young designers who known as Megamind ( I'm part of the team), our first release is Rebirth: New World Order which is the first franchise that blows your mind away.
I would like to invite everyone to like this facebook fan page to stay updated in Rebirth Project progress and do not forget to acknowledge your friends. We also have our website for the complete profile of the project.
tell your friends!, tell your neighbor!, tell your pets!, tell everyone you know!
Rebirth is finally here!
Friday, April 1, 2011
Gmail Motion
Are you feeling lazy of typing email on the keyboard? feel bored by just sitting in front of your computer? and do your computer has webcam features? good thing you read up my post as I am going to reveal you the most advanced email technology that gmail has developed that is known as 'Gmail Motion'. (drum roll please).
"Gmail Motion uses your computer's built-in webcam and Google's patented spatial tracking technology to detect your movements and translate them into meaningful characters and commands. Movements are designed to be simple and intuitive for people of all skill level"

Imagine how cool it is for you to no longer touch your keyboard to type email. All you have to do is do certain signature moves that indicate the action in gmail such as open the inbox, typing the message, and send it. Yes, to do the typing you have to use your body in front of your webcam in an interactive way! it is not just cool, it's awesome. Seriously.
Even experts do give positive comments on it:

"No longer will people be required bend to the will of technology. Instead, technology will now bend to our will." Lorraine Klayman, Environmental Movement Specialist, Nevada Polytechnic College
Please bear in mind a webcam is needed in this enhanced technology, If you do not own one please rush yourself to the nearest gadget store in your town. Paul McDonald as the product manager of gmail has explained the technology. Checkout the video down here.
Can you feel the awesomeness? click on this link for more of the info and be sure to try the Gmail Motion now!
"Gmail Motion uses your computer's built-in webcam and Google's patented spatial tracking technology to detect your movements and translate them into meaningful characters and commands. Movements are designed to be simple and intuitive for people of all skill level"

Imagine how cool it is for you to no longer touch your keyboard to type email. All you have to do is do certain signature moves that indicate the action in gmail such as open the inbox, typing the message, and send it. Yes, to do the typing you have to use your body in front of your webcam in an interactive way! it is not just cool, it's awesome. Seriously.
Even experts do give positive comments on it:

"No longer will people be required bend to the will of technology. Instead, technology will now bend to our will." Lorraine Klayman, Environmental Movement Specialist, Nevada Polytechnic College
"It is commonly known that 80% of communication is non-verbal. Gmail Motion not only accepts this fact – it embraces it." Dennis Tooley, Ph.D, California Center for Kinesis and Paralanguage
"Kudos to the Gmail team for bridging the divide. I'm eagerly awaiting the next version with ASL turbo boost!" Ken Harrenstien, Software Engineer, Google Accessibility Team
Please bear in mind a webcam is needed in this enhanced technology, If you do not own one please rush yourself to the nearest gadget store in your town. Paul McDonald as the product manager of gmail has explained the technology. Checkout the video down here.
Can you feel the awesomeness? click on this link for more of the info and be sure to try the Gmail Motion now!
Berjalan Kucing
Ada satu kelas yang pensyarah aku kat UITM memang kreatif. Kitorang sekelas memang tidak boleh menjangka apa assignment mengejutkan yang akan dia lakukan selepas ini.
Sebelum ini dia minta kami sekelas membaca berita di dalam kelas, pastu berdrama swasta dalam kelas. nasib baik takde tema Musical kalau tak memang serius kitorang buat cam High School Musical. We all on this together~ (lagu HSM, aku minat cerita tu)
Setiap giliran rakan-rakan seperjuangan aku dapat lagu lain-lain tapi semua lagu disko. memang Happening habis, masing-masing cuba memosingkan diri sehabis baik. Ada yang bajet Tyra Banks dan Adriana Lima. Yang paling aku kagum ada seorang tu sanggup berbaring kat runaway demi memberikan yang terbaik. Mungkin aku patut guling-guling kat lantai bila tiba giliran aku.
Sampai giliran kumpulan kami. Aku dah mula streching memanaskan badan, kumpulan kitorang dapat lagu 'Keabadian Cinta' Anuar Zain dimainkan. Gila? budak-budak lain dapat lagu disko G6 yang boleh headbang kitorang pulak dapat lagu jiwang karat ini?
(Sila rujuk video ini untuk mendengar melodinya)
Starting lagu dia memang tak boleh blah...
Aku terdiam dan ternganga seorang diri...
Pensyarah mula menunjukkan isyarat jari untuk mulakan langkah...
Aku orang pertama di dalam barisan...
Bagaimana ni?
Aku tarik nafas...
Berbekalkan ketinggian seorang next top model, aku mulakan langkah...
Pergerakan aku diperlahankan mengikut rentak lagu yang mendayu tersebut...
Semua orang bersorak riang, 'wooooo'...
Aku berhenti di depan runway...
Otak aku dah kosong dan tidak tahu nak buat apa...
Semua orang diam menanti pose apa yang aku bakal persembahkan...
Akhirnya aku melakukan satu gerakan di luar jangkaan...
(aku serahkan kepada imaginasi anda semua untuk meneka apa yang telah aku lakukan)
Mereka terdiam seribu bahasa dan perkataan 'Eeeeee' kedengaran...
Aku rasa maruah diri aku dah tercalar. Mereka pasti memberikan persepsi yang hodoh terhadap aku mulai hari itu. Kadangkala badan aku akan berreaksi dengan sendirinya tanpa aku sedari. Bukan salah aku badan aku berreaksi sebegitu rupa pada kelas petang itu.
PS: Aku rasa aku dah trauma dengan lagu tu tapi suara Anuar Zain sedap, itu memang aku tak nafikan.
Sebelum ini dia minta kami sekelas membaca berita di dalam kelas, pastu berdrama swasta dalam kelas. nasib baik takde tema Musical kalau tak memang serius kitorang buat cam High School Musical. We all on this together~ (lagu HSM, aku minat cerita tu)
Setiap giliran rakan-rakan seperjuangan aku dapat lagu lain-lain tapi semua lagu disko. memang Happening habis, masing-masing cuba memosingkan diri sehabis baik. Ada yang bajet Tyra Banks dan Adriana Lima. Yang paling aku kagum ada seorang tu sanggup berbaring kat runaway demi memberikan yang terbaik. Mungkin aku patut guling-guling kat lantai bila tiba giliran aku.
Sampai giliran kumpulan kami. Aku dah mula streching memanaskan badan, kumpulan kitorang dapat lagu 'Keabadian Cinta' Anuar Zain dimainkan. Gila? budak-budak lain dapat lagu disko G6 yang boleh headbang kitorang pulak dapat lagu jiwang karat ini?
(Sila rujuk video ini untuk mendengar melodinya)
Starting lagu dia memang tak boleh blah...
Aku terdiam dan ternganga seorang diri...
Pensyarah mula menunjukkan isyarat jari untuk mulakan langkah...
Aku orang pertama di dalam barisan...
Bagaimana ni?
Aku tarik nafas...
Berbekalkan ketinggian seorang next top model, aku mulakan langkah...
Pergerakan aku diperlahankan mengikut rentak lagu yang mendayu tersebut...
Semua orang bersorak riang, 'wooooo'...
Aku berhenti di depan runway...
Otak aku dah kosong dan tidak tahu nak buat apa...
Semua orang diam menanti pose apa yang aku bakal persembahkan...
Akhirnya aku melakukan satu gerakan di luar jangkaan...
(aku serahkan kepada imaginasi anda semua untuk meneka apa yang telah aku lakukan)
Mereka terdiam seribu bahasa dan perkataan 'Eeeeee' kedengaran...
Aku rasa maruah diri aku dah tercalar. Mereka pasti memberikan persepsi yang hodoh terhadap aku mulai hari itu. Kadangkala badan aku akan berreaksi dengan sendirinya tanpa aku sedari. Bukan salah aku badan aku berreaksi sebegitu rupa pada kelas petang itu.
PS: Aku rasa aku dah trauma dengan lagu tu tapi suara Anuar Zain sedap, itu memang aku tak nafikan.
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